Just as Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth, we believe he is lord of Winnipeg Manitoba, and it is our desire to make him known so that many more people in this region will know him personally as their Lord and Savior! We have various initiatives and focusses as a church that we seek to pursue as we reach out to people God has placed us among in the city and province. The core area of Winnipeg is one of our primary focus is as we seek to help the needy and the newly arrived people of our city.


Gateway offers a foodbank to the residents of northeast Winnipeg each Monday evening, 6:30-7:30 pm at 825 Panet Road (River East Mennonite Church). 

Some volunteers help in the afternoon to receive the food delivery at 1:30pm, and then set up tables and some of the food. And some volunteers arrive at 5:45 pm to complete the set-up for families and individuals who have registered to receive food that evening. The ministry opens at 6:30 pm, and food is distributed to about 50 to 70 families representing about 160 to 225 people a week, nearly half of them children! Our desire is to receive each person who uses the foodbank with love and respect. Refreshments are offered as people wait for their turn, and volunteers are available to chat and pray with people, as opportunities arise. If you would like to volunteer at the foodbank you can come any Monday at 1:20 pm and/or 5:30 pm (or on Tuesdays when Monday is a stat holiday).

If you’re in need of using the foodbank, please call 204-982-3671 (if you're new to Harvest) or 204-982-3660 (if you're a returning client). Please have your six-digit medical number ready. You can call to register Monday to Friday between 9:15 am and 3:15 pm, and on Saturday between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm.